What You Need To Know about Moving To Nova Scotia
Posted in:Moving and Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia was one of the first provinces founded in Canada and almost totally surrounded by water. It has three bodies of water surround three sides: Gulf of St. Lawrence, Northumberland Strait, and the Atlantic Ocean. It is the second smallest province in Canada with a total land area of about 55,200 square kilometers (20,000 square miles) and has a population of just over 940,000. The capital city is Halifax which is known for its rich history. There is so much more to know about Nova Scotia. FindInternet brings you couple fun facts and helpful tips to help make your move to Nova Scotia easier.
- Nova Scotia is derived from Latin and means New Scotland.
- If you are horse lover you should visit Sable Island just off the coast of Nova Scotia. In the 18th century, ships carrying crews along with horses settled near the coast. The horses proved to be very resilient and were able to survive on the island. They are not as large as a normal horse and have thick coats.
- There is another island off Nova Scotia that is popular for its treasure hunting. Residents believe that pirates buried treasure there in the 17th century. Many have tried to go in search of it but no one has succeeded.
- Even though Nova Scotia has one of the oldest recognized flags in Canada, an oversight by the government caused it to not be officially sworn in as the provincial flag till 2014.
- Just under half of Nova Scotia's residents live in Halifax. Halifax has grown significantly and has become a destination for culture, education, and business in Canada.
- Halifax has one of the richest histories in Canada. It is home to the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site, the most visited historic site in Canada.
- The weather in Nova Scotia is very enjoyable. It very rarely gets extremely hot or cold like in some parts of Canada.
- In 1917, Halifax experienced the world's second largest man made explosion (behind only the atomic bomb) when a ship carrying fireworks and a ship carrying gunpowder collided.
- Cape Breton is also a part of Nova Scotia. It an island located off the the east coast and is about 10,300 square kilometers (3980 square miles)
While you are getting settled in your new province of Nova Scotia, it is important to look up your options for internet service providers. FindInternet has made that part your move easy with our service provider locator. All you have you to do is enter in your province and city and a list of all available providers comes up. You can compare plans and pricing all from one convenient spot.
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