Find ISP by Province and Major City
Despite the fact that 92.9% of Canadians use the Internet, and users here spend more time online than anywhere else, standards for Internet service are not what they should be, largely due to geographic challenges, high prices, and slow speeds. At, we have devised a way to help you shop around for the best options in high speed internet for you.
In your search for high speed Internet in Canada, you will be surprised to learn that there are more options available to you than you may have realized. We have your one stop solution to find all the options in fast Internet in your city or town.

Alberta is the energy province of Canada with the largest oil and natural gas production in the nation. One of the wealthier provinces in Canada, Alberta is also known for its mountains, the Calgary stampede and dinosaurs. Bell, Shaw, Yak, Eastlink, Rogers, TekSavvy, and Xplore provide Internet to the more than 3.5 million Albertans.
British Columbia
The westernmost province, British Columbia is made up of mountains, fertile valleys, islands, and a scenic coastline. The largest industry is forestry, and in addition to tourism and natural resource, the province also has the largest TV and film production centre in the country, and third largest in North America. British Columbia has a great selection of Internet providers including Bell, Shaw, Yak, Eastlink, Rogers, TekSavvy, and Xplore.
Centrally located in the nation, Manitoba has the reputation as being the land of 100,000 lakes. In the Canadian Shield area, the province is a world leader in nickel production and is home to the Royal Canadian Mint. Amongst the providers serving Manitoba are Bell, Shaw, Rogers, TekSavvy, and Xplore.
New Brunswick
New Brunswick straddles the country’s two official languages and is the Canadian province that is officially functional in both English and French. Bordering Maine, New Brunswick is also home to a stretch of the Appalachian Mountains. Eastlink, Rogers, Bell, TekSavvy, and Xplore bring high speed Internet to this Maritime province.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Beautiful, coastal Newfoundland has its very own time zone. Because it is an island, Newfoundland has unique challenges to high speed Internet, making it one of the areas with fewer options in service. However, there are companies dedicated to equipping Newfoundlanders with the fast Internet they are looking for. These companies include Eastlink, Rogers, Bell, TekSavvy, and Xplore.
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Northwest Territories
The Northwest Territories extends all the way to the North Pole. Largely undeveloped, it is an area rich in resources, but some have been depleted. Tourism is also a large part of the economy. While Xplornet is the most reliable and far-reaching Internet option in the Northwest Territories, there are other options, especially in more populated areas, such as Rogers, Bell, and TekSavvy.
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Nova Scotia
Seaside Nova Scotia has the distinction of being the second smallest province but also the second most densely populated province in Canada. In addition to having a largely resource-based economy, it is also a well-known tourist destination. The providers bringing fast Internet to Nova Scotia include Eastlink, Rogers, Bell, TekSavvy, and Xplore.
Northern, sparsely populated Nunavut is the land of 24 hour daylight and darkness. With uninhabited vast frozen tundra as the biggest obstacle to Internet service, this largest territory actually accounts for one-fifth of the land mass of Canada. Residents there depend largely on Bell, TekSavvy and Xplore for Internet connectivity.
Ontario is home to the national capital Ottawa, and the largest city in the country – Toronto. It is the hub of a variety of industries and the financial centre of the country. With more high speed Internet options than any other province, those living in Ontario can choose from Bell, Shaw, Cogeco, Eastlink, Rogers, TekSavvy, Yak, and Xplore.
Prince Edward Island
Tiny, island province Prince Edward Island is a gem on the east coast of Canada. Connected to the mainland via a 12.9 kilometre bridge, it has the lowest population of any province in Canada with less than 150,000 residents. The providers of Internet in PEI are Eastlink, Rogers, Bell, TekSavvy, and Xplore.
Click here to view all providers in Prince Edward Island >>>
French-speaking Quebec is unique in so many ways. The largest province in the nation, Quebec’s population is densest along the St. Lawrence River. It has a very diverse economy, is rich in resources, and attracts a healthy amount of tourism due to its uniqueness. The major provider of high speed Internet in Quebec is Cogeco, which was founded in the province. In addition Quebecois can choose Rogers, Bell, TekSavvy, Yak, and Xplore for their broadband Internet needs.
Saskatchewan offers an array of geography, with forests, farmland, rivers, streams, lakes, flat prairies, sand dunes and more. The major producer of wheat in Canada, agriculture and natural resources are at the heart of the economy. Saskatchewan residents get high speed Internet from Bell, Shaw, Rogers, TekSavvy, and Xplore.