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ABS Inc.

ABS Inc.'s Most Popular Internet Service Plans

ABS Inc.'s plans vary by region, so be sure to verify pricing and plan terms with them before ordering service as all plans or promotions may not be available in all areas or to all customers and can expire at any time.

Option C 1 year contract

Speed: up to 7 Mbps

Starting at: $82.99

Data Cap: 90 GB

Technology: Fixed Wireless

Option C

Speed: up to 7 Mbps

Starting at: $99.00

Data Cap: 50 GB

Technology: Fixed Wireless

Option B 1 year contract

Speed: up to 4 Mbps

Starting at: $62.99

Data Cap: 80 GB

Technology: Fixed Wireless

ABS Inc. offers Internet service via the following technology: Fixed Wireless.

Advanced Broadband Services Incorporated offers fixed wireless broadband internet services to the Saskatchewan province and surrounding areas. Their fixed wireless technology uses licenses UHF frequencies that always it to work through most tree lines and buildings. These frequencies allow ABS Inc to offer near-line of site (NLOS) allowing their service able to service more homes. They have dedicated download speeds that never change as well as calling v-card service, voicemail, and e-mail. They offer internet only and bundle services with phone, you can also elect for "Pay as You Go" long distance calling. ABS also offers no contract and contract plans, their contract plans will offer you lower costs and higher GB allowance or choice of a speed limitation.

Summary of All Internet Plans & Pricing for ABS Inc.

NameTypeDownload SpeedsUpload SpeedsData CapPrice
Option C 1 year contractFixed Wireless7 Mbps1.5 Mbps90 GB$82.99
Option CFixed Wireless7 Mbps1.5 Mbps50 GB$99.00
Option B 1 year contractFixed Wireless4 Mbps1.2 Mbps80 GB$62.99
Option BFixed Wireless4 Mbps1.2 Mbps30 GB$79.00
GoldFixed Wireless7 Mbps1.5 Mbps60 GB$149.00
Option A 1 year contractFixed Wireless2 Mbps1 Mbps20 GB$42.99
SilverFixed Wireless4 Mbps1.2 Mbps40 GB$129.00
Option AFixed Wireless2 Mbps1 Mbps15 GB$69.00
BronzeFixed Wireless2 Mbps1 Mbps20 GB$99.00
Unlimited Internet 1 year contractFixed Wireless1.5 Mbps0.8 Mbps$82.99
Unlimited InternetFixed Wireless1.5 Mbps0.8 Mbps$99.00
Unlimited Internet with PhoneFixed Wireless1.5 Mbps0.8 Mbps$119.00

Frequently Asked Questions for about ABS Inc.

How many internet service plans does ABS Inc. offer?

ABS Inc. currently offers 12 internet service plans with download speeds up to 7 Mbps and pricing starting at $42.99.

What internet service plans does ABS Inc. offer?

The following internet service plans by ABS Inc. are Option C 1 year contract (Fixed Wireless), Option C (Fixed Wireless), Option B 1 year contract (Fixed Wireless) and Option B (Fixed Wireless)Gold (Fixed Wireless) and more.

What is the highest download speed that ABS Inc. offers?

ABS Inc. offers internet service plans with download speeds up to 7 Mbps.

What is the cheapest internet service plan that ABS Inc. offers?

ABS Inc. offers internet service plans with a starting price of $42.99.

Does ABS Inc. offer high speed fiber internet?

ABS Inc. offers Fixed Wireless internet service.

Does ABS Inc. offer residential internet service?

Yes! ABS Inc. currently offers internet service in Prince Albert, SK, Cold Lake, AB, Dawson Creek, BC, Shellbrook, SK and Birch Hills, SK and more.

ABS Inc. is available in the following cities: Prince Albert, SK, Cold Lake, AB, Dawson Creek, BC, Shellbrook, SK, Birch Hills, SK, Pouce Coupe, BC, Meath Park, SK, Paddockwood, SK, Albertville, SK and Weirdale, SK and more.

ABS Inc.

Contact ABS Inc.


(855) 255-8929



Bay 1, 243 South Industrial Drive

Prince Albert, SK S6V 7L7